Chris Gabriel, CTO at Logicalis Group looks at the world's major economies' progress towards IPv6 readiness and what it all means...
If you are a fractional CIO, storage is probably your Achilles heel, for now...
Alex Watson-Jackson looks at how traditional, siloed enterprise storage infrastructure holds back innovation in IT service delivery, creates complexity cost and hampers decision making - to ask "If...
Tags converged storage, converged infrastructure, Big Data, Data Centre Services, Business Strategy
Why I am really angry about government data collection
Chris Gabriel looks back on a period of controversy over government data collection practices and asks, "Which bit of my data do I most want collected and used?"
Tags business intelligence, Big Data, Government data collection, Business Analytics
The Fractional CIO and ITSM: Keeping the balls in the air
Mike Alley, Director of IT Service Management for Logicalis US, looks at the role IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions can play in helping CIOs to maintain control of increasingly complex...
Are you a fractional CIO?
Chris Gabriel looks at the rise of a new kind of CIO, and identifies the new equation behind successful business aligned technology strategies.
Tags IT leaders, IT trends, fractional cio, Uncategorised, IT Staffing
IPv6 readiness. First steps for your IT department
In the third of a three part series, Lucas Pinz, Senior Technology Manager at PromonLogicalis in Brazil looks at the simple steps your IT department can take in working towards an IPv6 readiness plan.
Tags IPv6, Strategy, Business Strategy
What is your IT department doing about IPv6?
In the second of a three part series, Lucas Pinz, Senior Technology Manager at PromonLogicalis in Brazil assesses global progress towards IPv6 adoption, pointing out – if you don’t know what your IT...
Tags IPv6, Strategy, technology innovation, IT trends, IT Trends
IPv6 - Is there an internet-shaped hole in your growth plans?
In the first of a three part series, Lucas Pinz, Senior Technology Manager at PromonLogicalis in Brazil, looks at the impact of failing to adapt to a new global internet protocol, IPv6, on every...
Tags IPv6, Strategy, Business Strategy
The need for speed, part 2: Big data analytics, ‘real time’ and SAP HANA
Tags Sap HANA, Big Data, Business Analytics
The need for speed, part 1: Big data analytics and flying blind
In the first of a two part series, Malek el Khazen, Senior Certified Solution Architect at Logicalis US explores ‘the need for speed’ in big data analytics, and assesses the importance of ‘real time’...
Tags Uncategorised