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Preparing for the hybrid workforce of the future

The global recruitment landscape has never been more competitive. A mass shortage in digital skills coupled with access to a wider geographical talent pool means businesses are battling to get the...

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How the pandemic uncovered the need for global solutions with local execution

Many industries have found that the Covid-19 pandemic has acted as an accelerator of innovation. It has given established transformation roadmaps a newfound urgency and lead businesses to step up...

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Logicalis South Africa builds a digital future in local school

In line with our global CSR strategy, Logicalis South Africa have been focused on supporting education initiatives across the country. Supporting the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)...

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Supporting local communities across Germany

Giving back to the communities that we operate in is part of Logicalis’ culture and as Architects of Change we believe in the importance of building a better world for a brighter future. We believe...

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Building a better world for a brighter future

As Architects of Change, we help our customers digitally transform by providing lifecycle solutions. Furthermore, at Logicalis we want to extend this transformation and its positive consequences to...

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Globally award-winning year for Logicalis

Logicalis has had another busy year over 2020, with over 6500 employees serving thousands of customers from over 26 countries. Despite this year’s challenges, we have continued to help our customers...

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Runners-up in the Global Innovation Challenge look to improve health in rural populations

Earlier this year we launched the Global Innovation Challenge, providing employees the opportunity to develop innovative solutions that addresses societal or environmental issues to help build a...

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Global Innovation Challenge winning solution tackles the migrant job market

As Architects of Change we help businesses transform the way they operate to build better businesses and in turn a better world. In a year that has been defined by the need to adapt, innovation has...

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Using innovation to create business resilience

Innovation is a buzzword that is seen everywhere. Used in a multitude of contexts, for many of us it describes ideas that appear out of the blue which lead to an unexpected discovery or achievement....

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The Importance of Innovation

If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it’s that circumstances can swiftly change in unexpected ways. However, as Albert Einstein once said, “In the midst of every crisis, lies great...

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