As businesses rise to meet the challenge of the always on digital workspace, the pressure on IT staff is growing. With more people working from home and using their personal devices, businesses are...
Want return on digital investments? Look to a managed service provider
Today every business, regardless of industry, is operating in a hyper-competitive environment with everyone battling for their place in the digital economy. With fierce competition, businesses need...
The holy trinity in effective digital workplaces? Cloud, data, and security
Workplaces have been in a constant state of evolution as far back as the industrial revolution, but the pace of change in the workplace has accelerated rapidly over the last few years.
Tags Security, Cloud, Digital Workspace, Data Protection and Privacy
Can a lifecycle approach to cloud adoption improve success?
Cloud adoption skyrocketed throughout the pandemic, andGartnerforecasts worldwide public cloud end-user spending to grow 23% this year as organisations continue migrating to more agile, flexible,...
Truly successful digital transformation includes employee experience from the start
A staggering97% of IT directorssaid their companies invested in digital transformation efforts last year, with the same number of directors expecting that investment to continue in 2021. However,...
The connected workplace is not just for offices
Over the last year and half, businesses across the board have changed the way they operate. Whilst there has been a big focus on the shift in office working patterns, with around57%expecting to be...
5G: The next enterprise revolution
Jargon such as ‘game-changer’ and ‘paradigm shift’ are often used in the technology industry to drive interest and excitement about the latest innovations. This overuse of adjectives makes it...
Will digital transformation help you compete in the digital economy?
Digital transformation is more than just the adoption of technologies to improve products and processes. It is a journey with the ultimate goal of digitising legacy or analogue functions to reap the...
Preparing for the hybrid workforce of the future
The global recruitment landscape has never been more competitive. A mass shortage in digital skills coupled with access to a wider geographical talent pool means businesses are battling to get the...
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